Summer Travel: Saving Money by Renting an Electrical Car

May 27, 2022 | Blog

As we know, gas prices are crazy right now. No time to complain about it. It’s time to figure out how to save money and still have a great Summer! I decided to rent a electric car when I saw it would cost me $670.00 for 2 round trip tickets to New Orleans for 4 days. There were some other reasons why I decided to go electric. One of my goals for 2022 was to keep my promises to myself when it came to saving money and being a better intentional when it comes to money.  I discovered that some of the technologies of today can help me with my goals. What are are financial goals? I know some of these tips will help you achieve your goals!

a. Why electrical is better

Purchasing an electric car is better for the earth and your financial life. On average Americans spend at least $4,000 a year on gas. This is before the gas price increase. With average price of gas in Texas being $4.11 people will spend about $6,800 a year. Now, imagine what you can do with an $6,800 a year. This money can go the following:

  1. Paying off debt
  2. Purchasing a new home
  3. College education
  4. Savings
  5. Retirement account
  6. Take a vacation
  7. And much more…

On the other, if your trying to take a trip for the summer electrical car is the way to go! You can rent an electric car for about $70 a day.

Here are some websites you can check out to help you rent electric cars”



b. Use your savings to pay off debt

In order for you to be successful in your financial life you  important that you have a goal for your money.

  1. Create a plan for June, July, August.
  2. Look at each pay period and see how much money you can put towards your debt
  3. The monies you save from renting an electrical car put towards paying the debt off.

c. Focus on the bigger picture. Keeping your financial goals a priority. Keep the promise!

What I’ve noticed over the years working with clients and look at myself as well. People don’t win: achieve their goals because they didn’t keep their promise. If you decide you’re going to set a goal, keep it and don’t give it until you achieve it. Here are a some tips to help keep your financial goals:

  1. Have a mentor or accountability partner. This partnership will help be a better person and increase your changes of winning by 50%.
  2. Hire a financial coach or see if your local church has a financial education department that can help you for free. I help members at my church all the time.
  3. Give something up that holding you back from your goals. For instance, eating out, shopping, alcohol, traveling, or whatever your vice/achilles’ heel is.

At the end of day, take control of tour financial life and have a productive Summer!

Be aware, be informed!

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