This month I will cover everything you need to know about starting a business. When I started my business, I had no idea what I was doing. My business partner at that time, told me to get my DBA (Doing Business As) at the courthouse and get a business account. That’s what I did. During that time, I was a ball of emotions. I was terrified to open the business account because at one point in time I added my ex-boyfriend on my bank account, and he ruined my banking reputation. It took me my years to rebuild my banking history. I thought this mistake I made would stop me from pursuing my dream. Stepping out on faith and not allowing my fears to stop me. In October of 2015, I walked into the bank and opened my business account. My past mistakes didn’t stop me! There will be times in life you make mistakes, but you’re not mistakes! If you are facing something similar, please fix your mistake and have faith!
The following steps will help you jump start your business for 2022!
1. Shadow a person that is in the same industry you want to be in
When I started my business, I had no idea what I was doing. The first few years of my business was a tax consultant. I prepared taxes for business owners and W-2 workers. Now, I did get my certificate through H & R Block. This class was for six weeks. I learned how everything I needed to know about tax returns and the laws regarding taxes. This was not enough, I needed hands on training. I discovered this local magazine called Leisure Learning. You can find them online now:
At that time, I found a wonderful CPA (certified public accountant) that is still a great associate/ resource to me even though I’m not in the tax business anymore. He had over 20 years of experience in the tax industry, and he was his own boss. I took a class from how lower your tax debt. That class opened my eyes and gave me the knowledge I needed to help my clients.
I got courage to ask him to help me with my business. He said, YES! We developed a partnership that helped me grow my business and my confidence. I know you are wondering if I had pay for his help and the answer is NO!! We talked for a while, and we learned about each other. I discovered he was not good with organization. We agreed he would help me with the tax preparation world, and I would organize his office. This partnership lasted for about six months.
Find someone to support your dreams!
2. Get a professional email
I know you are wondering why I’m telling you that. You want others to believe in you and take your business seriously. It’s in the details and the small parts of your business. Make sure the name of your business is part of your business. For example,
Use .com, this is more common. If you are a nonprofit, you can use .org. I used hosting110 to purchase my domain/ business name. They are most economical when starting a new business.
They key here, is to show the world your business is real, professional, and you’re ready to do business!
3. Open a business bank account
You should do this step first. When helping my clients financially organize their business, most of them don’t have a business account. They are still operating from their personal account. Separating your money is important from a tax perspective and bookkeeping stand point. You want to keep track what’s coming and going.
Starting your business right will allow you to apply for grants, loans, and free programs help grow your business. People need to know you’re a business and not a hobby!
There are a lot of things to do when starting a business but start with the above three steps to get you started. If you desire to get your LLC or need help starting your business, I have the perfect company that can help you get started. They do everything for you! Check them out here.
Start the new year off in the right direction and get the help you need. The Financial Lady is here to help you achieve your business goals! Schedule time with me: Time with The Financial Lady.
Be aware, be informed!